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فرمت فایل: ورد ( قابلیت ویرایش )
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تعداد صفحات : 2 صفحه
Frued-defense Mechanism Sigmund Freud is known for being the first psychologist who developed the first comprehensive theory of personality.
He tries to explain things that are difficult to understand.
Freud is still a huge influence on psychology and society today.
He was very controversial and some to this day don’t agree on what he had to say.
Freud believed that one way his patients dealt with experiences was by using defense mechanisms.
One example of defense mechanisms that I can relate to my own life is sublimation.
Sublimation for example is taking aggressive impulses and directing them into something else, such as sports.
I feel that it is the best way to release your anger.
Sometimes I feel one performs better.
I know that I do.
I go to the gym on a regular basis and one day my girlfriend and I got into a huge fight because she accused me of cheat Sigmund Frued (From The Interpretation of Dreams) It turns out that dreams may be worth interpreting after all.
Freud’s basic insight that our mind preserve memories and emotions which are not always consciously available to us has transformed the way humanity views itself ever since.
Freud said that there had been three great humiliations in human history: Galileo’s discovery that we were not the center of the universe, Darwin’s discovery that we were not the crown of creation, and his own discovery that we are not in control of our own mind.
The tendency of modern people to trace their problems to childhood traumas or other repressed emotions begins with Freud.
One of Freud’s more important discoveries was that emotions buried in the unconscious surface in disguised form during dreaming, and that the remembered fragments of dreams can help uncover the buried feelings.
Whether the mechanism is exactly as Freud described it, many people subsequently derive with insights into themselves from studying their dreams, and most modern people consider dreams emotionally significant.
Unlike our ancestors who often saw them either as divine premonition or as the bizarre side-effects of indigestion.
Freud argued that drea Some topics in this essay:Interpretation Dreams, Freud Freuds, Addressing Freud, Overall Freud, Nevertheless Freud, Irmas Injection, dream interpretation, universal key symbols, universal key, interpretation dreams, key symbols, fixed symbolic, dream freud, events emotions, spontaneous association, modern people, method interpretation, Sigmund Freud (1856 - 1939) Psychoanalytic Theory of Learning Biography Sigmund Freud was born May 6, 1856 at Freiberg, Moravia.
His family settled in Vienna in 1860.
He entered the University of Vienna to study medicine and graduated as an M.D.
in 1881.
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