فایل هلپ

مرجع دانلود فایل ,تحقیق , پروژه , پایان نامه , فایل فلش گوشی

فایل هلپ

مرجع دانلود فایل ,تحقیق , پروژه , پایان نامه , فایل فلش گوشی

Optimizing Performance through Intrinsic Motivation and Attention for Learning: The OPTIMAL Theory of Motor Learning

اختصاصی از فایل هلپ Optimizing Performance through Intrinsic Motivation and Attention for Learning: The OPTIMAL Theory of Motor Learning دانلود با لینک مستقیم و پر سرعت .

Optimizing Performance through Intrinsic Motivation and Attention for Learning: The OPTIMAL Theory of Motor Learning

Optimizing Performance through Intrinsic Motivation and Attention for Learning: The OPTIMAL Theory of Motor Learning

فرمت فایل ترجمه:word

تعداد صفحات مقاله: 100 صفحه پی دی افی

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Optimizing Performance through Intrinsic Motivation and Attention for Learning:
The OPTIMAL Theory of Motor Learning

Gabriele Wulf
University of Nevada, Las Vegas
Rebecca Lewthwaite
Rancho Los Amigos National Rehabilitation Center
University of Southern California


Effective motor performance is important for surviving and thriving, and skilled movement is critical in many activities. Much theorizing over the last few decades has focused on how certain practice conditions affect the processing of task-related information to affect learning. Yet, existing theoretical perspectives do not accommodate significant recent lines of evidence demonstrating motivational and attentional effects on performance and learning. These include research on (a) conditions that enhance expectancies for future performance, (b) variables that influence learners’ autonomy, and (c) an external focus of attention on the intended movement effect. Here we propose the OPTIMAL (Optimizing Performance through Intrinsic Motivation and Attention for Learning) theory of motor learning. We suggest that motivational and attentional factors contribute to performance and learning by strengthening the coupling of goals to actions. We provide explanations for the performance and learning advantages of these variables on psychological and neuroscientific grounds. We describe a plausible mechanism for expectancy effects rooted in responses of dopamine to the anticipation of positive experience and temporally associated with skill practice. Learner autonomy acts perhaps largely through an enhanced expectancy pathway. Further, we consider the influence of an external focus for the establishment of efficient functional connections across brain networks that subserve skilled movement. We speculate that enhanced expectancies and an external focus propel performers’ cognitive and motor systems in productive “forward” directions and prevent “backsliding” into self- and non-task focused states. Expected success presumably breeds further success and helps consolidate memories. We discuss practical implications and future research directions.
Keywords: Motivation, attentional focus, self-efficacy, positive affect, dopamine, motor performance


 بهینه سازی عملکرد از طریق انگیزه درونی و توجه به یادگیری:نظریه مطلوب یادگیری حرکتی


گابریل وولف

دانشگاه نوادا، لاس وگاس



مرکز توانبخشی ملی رانچو لوس آمیگوس


دانشگاه کالیفرنیای جنوبی


عملکرد حرکتی موثر برای زنده ماندن و پیشرفت کردن دارای اهمیت بوده، و حرکات ماهرانه در بسیاری از فعالیت ها حیاتی است. نظریه پردازی های بسیاری در طول چند دهه اخیر بر روی چگونگی تاثیر شرایط تمرینی خاص بر روی پردازش اطلاعات کاری به منظور تحت تاثیر قرار دادن یادگیری متمرکز بوده اند. با این حال، دیدگاه های نظری موجود با مسیرهای تازه قابل توجهی از شواهد اثبات کننده اثرات انگیزشی و مورد توجه بر روی عملکرد و یادگیری سازگاری ندارند. این امر شامل پژوهش در موارد زیر است: (1) شرایطی که انتظارات را برای عملکرد آینده بالا می برد، (2) متغیرهایی که "استقلال درونی" یادگیرندگان را تحت تاثیر قرار می دهد و (3) تمرکز خارجی توجه بر روی تاثیر حرکتی مورد نظر. در اینجا ما نظریه بهینه (بهینه سازی عملکرد از طریق انگیزه درونی و توجه به یادگیری) یادگیری حرکتی را پیشنهاد می کنیم. ما نشان می دهیم که عوامل انگیزشی و مورد توجه در عملکرد و یادگیری بوسیله تقویت و جفت شدگی اهداف با فعالیتها مشارکت دارند. ما تفاسیری را برای مزایای عملکردی و یادگیری این متغیرها در زمینه های روانی و علوم اعصاب ارائه می دهیم. مکانیسم قابل قبولی برای اثرات مورد انتظار ریشه دار در پاسخ های دوپامین در پیش بینی تجربه مثبت و موقتی مرتبط با تمرین مهارتی توصیف خواهد شد. احتمالاً استقلال درونی یادگیرنده تا حد زیادی از طریق یک مسیر کمک کننده احتمالی برانگیخته می شود. علاوه بر این، ما تاثیر یک تمرکز خارجی را برای بر قراری ارتباطات عملکردی کارآمد در سراسر شبکه های مغز در نظر گرفتیم که به درد حرکات ماهرانه می خورد. ما بر این باوریم که انتظارات بالا رونده و تمرکز خارجی، سیستم های حرکتی و شناختی اجرا کنندگان را در جهات "رو به جلو"ی سودبخش سوق می دهد و از "پسرفت" به سمت حالات خود تکلیفی و غیر تکلیفی متمرکز شده جلوگیری می کند. احتمالاً موفقیت مورد انتظار، موفقیت های بیشتری را به ارمغان می آورد و در تحکیم خاطرات کمک می کند. ما پیامد های عملی و مسیرهای پژوهشی آینده را مورد بحث قرار می دهیم.

کلمات کلیدی: انگیزه، تمرکز توجه و دقت، خود-تاثیری، تاثیر مثبت، دوپامین، عملکرد حرکتی


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Optimizing Performance through Intrinsic Motivation and Attention for Learning: The OPTIMAL Theory of Motor Learning

Consumer Informatics: The Elderly and the Internet

اختصاصی از فایل هلپ Consumer Informatics: The Elderly and the Internet دانلود با لینک مستقیم و پر سرعت .

Robert James Campbell Duquesne University, Pittsburgh USA The Internet is one important way for health consumers to participate actively in their health care. This new found ability has lead more and more consumers to question, not only the type of care they receive, but also the quality of that care. However, as Internet usage continues to grow, differences in how demographic groups use this resource to locate health related information are becoming more pronounced. Review of Literature A recent survey by the University of Pittsburgh (2000), shows that 62% of the residents of Pittsburgh and surrounding Allegheny County have access to the Internet. However, the average older adult in Allegheny County, the second largest population of older adults in the nation, has the lowest levels of computer ownership and more limited access to the Internet than other county residents. Furthermore, these elderly adults, who make up 17.8% (228,416) of the countys 1,281,666 residents lack the essential knowledge of how to use the Internet to locate health information. Nationally, research shows that older Americans are in danger of being cut off from one of the most provocative communication mediums of the 21st century. In the United States, elderly adults make up 13% of the population with only 4% using the Internet. Overall 56% of America is online and out of that percentage, only 15% age 65 and over have direct access to the Internet (Fox & Rainie, 2000; Fox, 2001; Fox & Rainie, 2002). 93 million American adults use the Internet to locate health related information, with only 4 million aged 65 and older (Fox & Fallows, 2003). Because older adults are more likely to suffer health problems and make frequent use of the health care system (AOA, 2001), knowledge of how the Internet can be used to locate health information to manage ones care would benefit senior citizens. By manage, it is assumed that individuals will use the Internet to investigate illness states, treatment regimens, the background and training of their physicians, and the efficacy of taking specific medications. Personal Health Care: Why Get Involved? The literature shows that the majority of patients prefer to leave their medical decisions to their physicians (Kaplan et. al., 1996; Arora & McHorney, 2000). Not only is this the case for older and less educated patients (Ende et. al., 1989; Frosh & Kaplan, 1999; Benbassat, Pilpel, & Tidhar, 1998; Bilodeau & Degner, 1996; Kaplan et. al., 1995; Beisecker, 1988), but also physicians perpetuate this trend as their experience and education increases (Beisecker et. al., 1996; Paterson, 2001). Over the years, studies have shown that patients over 60 years of age have a lower desire for control over their health care when compared to younger adults (Stiggelbout & Kiebert, 1997; Smith et. al., 1988; Woodward & Wallston, 1987; Cassileth et. al.,1980; Haug, 1979). Moreover, older patients and men are more likely to let the physician make decisions regarding their treatment (Breemhaar, Visser & Kleunen, 1990). This suggests that the elderly tend to have an external locus of control when it comes to health beliefs (Caress, 1997), as opposed to an internal locus of control. Although the majority of patients prefer to let their physician make the decisions, the more a patient learns about her illness, the more likely she is to ask questions of her physician (Frederikson & Bull, 1995; Mullen, Main, & Velez, 1992; Kaplan, Greenfield, Ware, Jr., 1989; Sharf, 1988; Mullen, Green Persinger, 1985). Studies have shown that patients who ask questions, elicit treatment options, express opinions, and state their preferences regarding treatment during office visits with their physicians have measurably better health outcomes than those who do not communicate (Kohn Corrigan, & Donaldson, 2000; Rost et. al., 1991; Mahler & Kulik, 1990; Barry et. al., 1988; Greenfield et. al., 1988; Greenfield, Kaplan & Ware, Jr., 1985). Reaching Older Adults Beginning in 2001, a program was developed at Duquesne University to train older adults how to use the Internet to manage their health care. The program consisted of five one hour and half sessions presented over a five week period. The sessions were held in local public libraries and senior community centers in Pittsburgh and surrounding communities. The sessions included basic instruction on how to use a computer and web browser, search engines, evaluating web sites, and learning how to use specific medical web sites to answer health care concerns. Along with the instructional component, the program measured participants health locus of control, levels of self efficacy, opinions on health care, and their levels of participation in their health, both before and after taking part in the program. Thus far the program has trained close to 200 older adults. The program has now partnered with the Carnegie Library of Pittsburgh, and has received a grant from the National Library of Medicine to continue to training older adults in the Greater Pittsburgh area how to use the Internet to manage their health care. This presentation will explore the relationship that exists between the Internet to the elderly and the factors that may influence their use of the Internet as a
resource for locating health information. Moreover, the presentation will explore the impact that Internet training has had on the elderly with regard to their participation in their own health care. Did they view the Internet as a novelty, something to fear, or did they express a desire to use the Internet to become more informed health consumers, and as a more informed consumer, did they desire a more participatory role in their own health care, or did they remain passive?

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Consumer Informatics: The Elderly and the Internet

From contact investigation to tuberculosis screening of drug addicts and homeless persons in Rotterdam

اختصاصی از فایل هلپ From contact investigation to tuberculosis screening of drug addicts and homeless persons in Rotterdam دانلود با لینک مستقیم و پر سرعت .

Background: In early 2001 there were indications that tuberculosis (TB) was increasingly becoming a
problem among drug addicts and homeless persons in Rotterdam, after a periodical screening was
discontinued in 1997. A contact investigation around a homeless drug addicted man in Rotterdam
with infectious pulmonary TB is described. Contact investigation: A total of 507 drug addicts, homeless
persons, and staff of facilities for these risk groups were examined with tuberculin skin testing (TST) and
chest radiography. DNA fingerprinting of mycobacteriological cultures through Restricted Fragment
Length Polymorphism methodology and molecular epidemiology investigation through cluster analysis
were performed. Outcome: TST showed an infection prevalence of 29%, especially among staff of services
for drug addicts and homeless persons. Six persons with active intrathoracic TB were identified. Cluster
analysis demonstrated no relation with the initial case but showed intense transmission of TB among
drug addicts and homeless persons in Rotterdam by multiple sources. As a consequence of the findings, a
proposal to the Council of the City of Rotterdam resulted in the re-introduction of a comprehensive TB
screening programme among these risk groups with mobile digital X-ray units (MXUs). Conclusion: This
contact investigation gradually obtained the characteristics of a screening of drug addicts and homeless
persons. Novel technologies, such as MXUs, facilitate appropriate and efficient outreach approaches to
TB control among difficult-to-reach groups. This method and knowledge of individual fingerprints and
clusters of TB patients are indispensable for underpinning proposals for change of local TB control
strategies and convincing local authorities of the rationale.
Keywords: DNA fingerprinting, policy implications, risk groups, screening, tuberculosis

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From contact investigation to tuberculosis screening of drug addicts and homeless persons in Rotterdam